Eating Chili Pepper Can Help You Burn Fat and Lose Weight

Manna Foods
Eating Chili Pepper Can Help You Burn Fat and Lose Weight
capsicum lowers caloric intake, shrinks fat tissue and reduces fat levels in the blood.

Many people like eating chili peppers. However, did you know that capsaicin is a thermogenic? Thermogenics stimulate the body's burning of fat by increasing the metabolism of the body's adipose tissue, generating heat. So many of us can stand to shed a few pounds and lose some unwanted extra weight, so a smart and healthy move is to drop the fatty foods and replace them with some chili pepper spice, along with the inclusion of regular exercise, of course.

At Daegu University, Korea, biotechnologist Jong Won Yun and colleagues report that capsicum lowers caloric intake, shrinks fat tissue and reduces fat levels in the blood.


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